Sunday, January 5, 2014

Sunday Musings

Sundays are for doing nothing except what I like to do because I want to do them. We've had a disrupted week with Cameron caring for Warrior Priestess the last three days. It's been very strange to sleep alone, have control of the thermostat, and watch Doodle mourn his poppa. The thermostat was okay, but not so much for the other two.

So I've started a new cross stitch project. Current estimate is 4 years to completion. Here's the picture:
Goblins Fae Guide - Click Image to Close
Goblin's Guide

The pattern calls for 25 count fabric, but I'm using 18. I am 50 years old and see it better! LOL 

Approx 2,000 of 98,800 stitches
I estimate the project will take about four years. But I'm going to be 54 anyway, so why not have this picture to hang on the wall!

My mindfulness exercise of the day was walk beside our lake. Seeing the lake was another matter.
Lake in January fog

No mountains today

Slight suggestion of water here.
So that is my Sunday. Many things I should've done. Only a few that I did. What a lovely day.

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