Friday, January 3, 2014

Sunset Tonight

I love living across the street from the lake. My property taxes this year are $2.50 for the trailer, and $50 for the use of the recycling center. I can afford that! But I get so busy that I forget to go look at the water. I neglect my spirit to get to bed on a time. Bed time is 7:30, so the daylight often keeps me up in the summer. And I spend all evening just getting my stuff together to get up for work at 3:30 in the morning.

So tonight I went for a quick walk. The sky was glowing with fierce orange winter clarity through the trees. I slipped across the street to snap this photo from the neighbor's carport:

Water and Mountains
I used to dream of living right on the water. Then one day I realized I don't need to live right on the lake as that invites a culture that I don't want to participate in. I don't intend to buy a boat and kick an engine every time it doesn't start. People would point from the boats and whisper about the strange woman who has a boat dock without a boat. And it also might be a bit like living in a fish bowl. My backyard would be water with the entire neighborhood entitled to its use.

So I've concluded what I need even more than water is those mountains in the background. Cameron and I can build a water feature. I might have a lot more trouble replicating mountains. LOL

In the meantime, I actually managed to take a moment to get out of the chair, to walk down the road, and to breath the crisp air, and smell the freshness of it all, and to be aware that I actually live across the street from this beautiful lake.

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